The Nigerian Institution of Professional Engineers and Scientists (NIPES) is a distinguished research community comprising field experts in engineering and science. Founded by a group of researchers in Nigeria, NIPES is registered in accordance with the provisions of the Allied Matters Act, Cap. C20, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria through the Commission. NIPES is dedicated to promoting and facilitating the exchange of research information among engineers and scientists, while also fostering opportunities for interaction among members across academia, research institutions, government agencies, and industry.

NIPES aims to:

  1. Promote the highest standards of professional conduct among engineers and scientists in Nigeria.
  2. Provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and information among its members.
  3. Foster research and development in science, engineering, and technology
  4. Advocate for the interests of its members in matters related to science and technology.
  5. Facilitate collaboration between its members and other organizations and institutions that share its objectives.
  6. Offer opportunities for professional development and continuing education for its members.
  7. Encourage the active participation of its members in the development and implementation of national science and technology policies.
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