1. Fellow

The grade of Fellow (FNIPES) is the highest honor bestowed by the Institution, reserved for individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary achievements and made outstanding contributions to the fields of engineering and science. Click to see full eligibility and selection criteria. Please send an email to membership@nipes.org to request assistance or make further inquiries concerning NIPES fellowship application.

2. Corporate Member

This membership category is open to candidates holding a Bachelor’s degree or HND in Engineering or Science disciplines, including but not limited to life sciences, physical sciences, statistics, and engineering.

3. Associate Member

Associate Member: Associate membership is available to candidates with a Bachelor’s degree, HND, or ND in social science disciplines such as arts, law, accountancy, humanities, and related fields.

4. Student Member

Candidates pursuing an approved engineering or science course leading to a degree in an accredited institution are eligible for Student membership.

Simply click here to apply

Corporate Membership: NGN 15, 000

Associate Membership: NGN 13,000

Student Membership: NGN 1,500


Note: All payments should be made to the following bank account:

Kindly note that the approval for membership is subject to councils decision. Applications will be processed within seven working days after payment has been made.

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